Friday, December 12, 2008

McAfee Virtual Criminology Report

"First, cybercrime isn’t yet enough of a priority for governments around the world to allow the fight against it to make real headway worldwide. Added to that, the physical threat of terrorism and economic collapse is diverting political attention elsewhere. In contrast, cybercriminals are sharpening their focus. Recession is fertile ground for criminal activity as fraudsters clamour to capitalize on rising use of the Internet and the climate of fear and anxiety. Are we in danger of irrevocably damaging consumer trust and, in effect, limiting the chances of economic recovery?

Second, cross border law enforcement remains a long-standing hurdle to fighting cybercrime.
Local issues mean laws are difficult to enforce transnationally. Cybercriminals will therefore always retain the edge unless serious resources are allocated to international efforts.

Third, law enforcement at every level remains ad hoc and ill-equipped to cope. While there has been progress, there is still a significant lack of training and understanding in digital forensics and evidence collection as well as in the law courts around the world. The cyberkingpins remain at large while the minor mules are caught and brought to justice. Some governments are guilty of protecting their in-country offenders. The findings suggest there is an ever greater need to harmonize priorities and coordinate police forces across physical boundaries.

The report concludes with a look at suggested steps at both the local and international level to make the fight against cybercrime more effective."

Read the full report at

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