Monday, March 22, 2010

Configuring SSHD in Ubuntu

OpenSSH is a freely available version of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol family of tools for remotely controlling a computer or transferring files between computers. Traditional tools used to accomplish these functions, such as telnet or rcp, are insecure and transmit the user's password in cleartext when used. OpenSSH provides a server daemon and client tools to facilitate secure, encrypted remote control and file transfer operations, effectively replacing the legacy tools.

*sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Prior to editing the configuration file, you should make a copy of the original file and protect it from writing so you will have the original settings as a reference and to reuse as necessary.

*sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.original
*sudo chmod a-w /etc/ssh/sshd_config.original

After making changes to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, save the file, and restart the sshd server application to effect the changes using the following command at a terminal prompt:

*sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

More related info @

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Malware found on second Vodafone HTC Magic

"When Panda Security found malware on a brand new Android-based Vodafone HTC Magic earlier this month, Vodafone said it was an "isolated local incident." Now, a second phone has been found harboring malware, including a program that turns infected machines into zombies as part of the Mariposa credit card and bank log-in-stealing botnet, according to Spain-based PandaLabs."

PandaLabs connected the S21Sec employee's microSD card to his PC and found that the smartphone was loaded with the malware on March 1, more than a week before he had received the phone from Vodafone.

More info about Vodafone @

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mac Tips: Enabling SSH Server

Go to System Preferences, Open Sharing, and choose Remote Login.

If your firewall is on and you are blocking all incoming connection, go ahead and make your FW changes to allow Remote Login (SSH).

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mac Tips: Print Screen

There are few ways to do screen capture in Mac OS X.
Follow the steps below and you will be able to do a screen capture in Mac OS X.

* Switch to the screen that you want to to do screen capture
* Hold down Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 3 and release all
* You will see a picture file in at your desktop.

You can also do a screen capture for a portion of your screen.

* Switch to the screen that you want to to do screen capture
* Hold down Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 4 and release all key
* Now, You will see the mouse cursor will change to +
* You can start to drag your mouse to select the portion you wish to capture.
* Once finished, you will see a picture file in at your desktop.
If you want to do a screen capture for a particular application window, you can follow this:-

* Switch to the screen that you want to to do screen capture
* Hold down Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 4 and release all key
* Now, You will see the mouse cursor will change to +
* Press the space bar once
* You will see the mouse cursor change to a camera
* Now you can use the camera to select which application window to screen capture
* Once finished, you will see a picture file in at your desktop.

Found this while trying to find easy way to do screen capture on Mac.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Miley Cyrus Hacker Still Hacking

"FEBRUARY 25--Undeterred by an FBI probe into his hacking of Miley Cyrus's e-mail account and MySpace page, a Tennessee man continues to engage in other computer intrusions and spamming operations, according to his own admissions. Joshua Holly, 20, has recently described his ongoing hacking and spamming activities in forums on the Digital Gangster web site, where Holly first distributed racy images of Cyrus he found in her Gmail account. In posts this month, Holly bragged about hacking Google's new "Buzz" feature, and he previously offered to sell a "bot" that spams Facebook users. According to the below search warrant affidavit, filed last year in U.S. District Court in Nashville, FBI agents have been probing Holly's Cyrus hacks since July 2008."

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Hack the Box Blue