Good tidings to you as you read.
Please permit me to write you irrespective of the fact we have not met before. I got your contact through network online
hence I decided to write you. I would be very interested in offering you a part-time paying job in which you could earn up to $7,000 a month as extra
income. opening an account would have been my best choice if I was not working on a deadline that must meet a 24 hour turn around time, other options are
not on my side due to time, money, and requirements. This is why I am offering a part time opportunity to someone responsible who can supply prompt assistant
and service. JOB DESCRIPTION: Work as my payment assistant in charge of collecting and processing the payments from the associates.
1. Receive payment (inform of money orders/checks) from my Clients/Associates.
2. Cash the Payments at your Bank
3. Deduct 10%, which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed.
4. You will then forward the balance via Western Union Money Transfer
according to my instruction. REQUIREMENT: 18 years or older. Responsible, Reliable and Trustworthy Available to work a minimum 3-4 hours per week. Able to
check and respond to emails often. Easy telephone access. IS THIS LEGAL? YES It is very legal, Doing this job is 100% safe and legal. I would be glad if
you accept my proposal for an opportunity to make up 10% of each transaction completed. Please reply via email with complete information as requested:
A. NAME,==============
B. STREET ADDRESS (NOT P.O BOX),=================
C. CITY:=========================
D. STATE:========================
E. ZIP CODE==========================
F. COUNTRY=======================
G. MOBILE NUMBER, ====================
H. AGE, ==============================
I. SEX, ==============================
J. OCCUPATION====================
K. E MAIL==========================
All replies should be sent to
DR David Walker