Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Job Offer Scams

Just got another job scam thru my account. Here are the details.

Good tidings to you as you read.

Please permit me to write you irrespective of the fact we have not met before. I got your contact through network online

hence I decided to write you. I would be very interested in offering you a part-time paying job in which you could earn up to $7,000 a month as extra

income. opening an account would have been my best choice if I was not working on a deadline that must meet a 24 hour turn around time, other options are

not on my side due to time, money, and requirements. This is why I am offering a part time opportunity to someone responsible who can supply prompt assistant

and service. JOB DESCRIPTION: Work as my payment assistant in charge of collecting and processing the payments from the associates.

1. Receive payment (inform of money orders/checks) from my Clients/Associates.

2. Cash the Payments at your Bank

3. Deduct 10%, which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed.

4. You will then forward the balance via Western Union Money Transfer

according to my instruction. REQUIREMENT: 18 years or older. Responsible, Reliable and Trustworthy Available to work a minimum 3-4 hours per week. Able to

check and respond to emails often. Easy telephone access. IS THIS LEGAL? YES It is very legal, Doing this job is 100% safe and legal. I would be glad if

you accept my proposal for an opportunity to make up 10% of each transaction completed. Please reply via email with complete information as requested:

A. NAME,==============

B. STREET ADDRESS (NOT P.O BOX),=================

C. CITY:=========================

D. STATE:=============================

E. ZIP CODE============================

F. COUNTRY============================

G. MOBILE NUMBER, ====================

H. AGE, ===============================

I. SEX, ==================================

J. OCCUPATION============================

K. E MAIL==================================

All replies should be sent to dr.davidewalk1@gmail.com


DR David Walker

Monday, March 30, 2009

Conficker Tools

Felix Leder and Tillmann Werner

The following page contains the tools and analysis results described in our "Know your Enemy" paper "Containing Conficker - To Tame a Malware". The paper is published by the undefinedHoneynet Project and can be downloaded here: todo

All tools are to be considered as proof of concepts. Even though most of them run stable, they are not meant for use in production. They don't come with any warranty.
All tools are available including source code and are licences using GPL.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Nmap 4.85BETA 4

From Fyodor

4.85BETA4 (compared to 4.76) includes our new Ncat and Ndiff tools, a ton of new NSE scripts for superior network discovery, more than 5,000 version detection signatures and nearly 2,000 OS fingerprints, improved scan performance, and much more! You can read about all the changes at http://nmap.org/changelog.html. Be sure to read all the way down to 4.85BETA1, as that includes some of the most dramatic changes.

Download Nmap 4.85BETA4 from: http://nmap.org/download.html

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Firefox critical vulnerability patched in 3.0.8, due next week

A new vulnerability has just been found in Firefox. The vulnerability, discovered by security researcher Guido Landi, was published on several security sites on Wednesday the 25th. The flaw could be used by an attacker to remotely execute code on a users machine using remote memory corruption after a user views a specially crafted malicious XML file. Read more...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Beware of "Local Breaking News"

March 16, 2009 (Marshal News)

Over the past month, botherders have been using fake coupon websites to host Waledac malware. Today, these criminals have updated their theme to use "Reuters breaking news" with localized content to easily captivate unwary users. It uses IP geolocation services to achieve content localization which we have mentioned before in our previous blog. As usual, a link from the fake website point to a Waledac binary and to make it more legitimate looking, "Related Links" to Wikipedia and Google Search were added. Read more...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Senator says his office computers were hacked

"One of attacks looked "pretty serious, and it [was] talking to a computer in some international arena,” Nelson said during the March 19 hearing". Read more

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Linux Tips: Removing Directory

rmdir command

Remove folder(s), if they are empty.

rmdir [options]... folder...

ignore each failure that is solely because the directory is non-empty

-p, --parents remove explicit parent directories if being emptied

--verbose output a diagnostic for every directory processed

--help display this help and exit

--version output version information and exit

Related Linux Bash commands:

ls - List information about files (use ls-al to see if they are empty)
rm - Remove files (rm -rf will recursively remove folders and their contents)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Michael Jackson and Green Card lottery scams come together

"At the bottom you'll see a banner advert inviting people to live and work in the USA. The advert is served up by a division of Jackson's record company, Sony BMG, who themselves get it from an advertising network called Advertising.com. Nothing bad or dangerous so far.

But what I'm especially interested in is what happens when you click on the advert. You get taken to a website called www.usafis.org, which offers you the opportunity to enter the lottery for an American Green Card (essentially the authorisation to live and work in the United States).".

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recent exploits evade Adobe's countermeasures; patch not ready

March 6, 2009 (Computerworld) An unpatched bug in popular PDF viewing and editing applications is much more dangerous than first thought, according to security researchers who have created exploits that sidestep Adobe's defensive recommendations.

Last week, a researcher who works at the Danish vulnerability tracker Secunia said he had come up with an exploit that didn't rely on JavaScript. Read more..

More about Conficker Worm

Users can protect themselves from the worm by installing Microsoft's MS08-067 security update, using strong passwords and disabling Windows' Autoplay and Autorun features.
Read More ...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Configuring LILO

LILO is the Linux Loader, the most popular boot loader for Linux. It is used to load Linux into memory and start the operating system. On a machine with multiple operating systems, LILO can be configured to boot the other systems as well.

Normally LILO is initially configured for you during the Linux installation process. However, you may find that default configuration is not correct, or you wish to customize it. And there may even come a time when you need to remove LILO from your computer. Here are some instructions that should help you on your quest.


Hack the Box Blue
